LAILEC Conference
29. March 2022 - 30. March 2022
Life-cycle regulation of Data and AI, Tackling dynamicity and responsibility in complex ecosystems
In this year’s edition of the LAILEC Conference, co-located with the EUH4D Data Forum and the SAS Project Event, we focus on Data and AI, together critical enablers for our society to solve complex problems and for our European data economy to thrive. Both data and AI have specific lifecycles, where dynamicity and evolving features challenge legal and ethical frameworks.
The conference aims to discuss the objectives of the European Data Strategy and AI Strategy, and will explore further the regulatory and governance dimensions of a.o. the concepts of data spaces and trustworthy AI.
In the Data Track we offer dedicated panels on the guiding principles and building blocks for the digital economy and zoom in on the importance of data control in different scenarios, the need for trusted data value chains with suitable allocation of responsibilities and the impact of the fairness principle in data access, sharing and allocation of data value.
In connection, in the AI Track, our speakers will engage on the concept of trustworthiness of AI, its relationship with fundamental rights and dynamic safety and security risks and will discuss the impact of liability issues, that although challenged by the self-learning capacities of AI and the complex ecosystems, have an important capacity to significantly increase the levels of trust in AI.
The LAILEC conference will source the views of our expert speakers on towards the future avenues for the regulation of Data and AI and their specific lifecycles, building on the European Commission’s preference, as expressed in the Data Strategy, for an “agile approach to governance” that favors “experimentation […], iteration, and differentiation” and the risk-based approach to the regulation of innovation, already visible in the GDPR and the proposed AI Act. LAILEC will also create room for exchange on the pending legislative initiatives, such as the AI Act proposal and the expected Data Act proposal.
LAILEC aims to engage on these topics with a broad community of stakeholders (researchers of different disciplines, industry, designers of data spaces, providers of building blocks -technical and non-technical-, policymakers, regulators, civil society,..). The objectives of fair, compliant, trustworthy data use and AI (and related technology) applications can only be achieved by interdisciplinary efforts and the involvement of a broad range of stakeholders. Join the debate in Leuven on the 29th and 30th of March:
- LAILEC Conference day on 29th of March
- Unique opportunity to join the 2 co-located events:
- EUH4D Data Forum on 30th of March in the morning
- SAS Project Event on 30th of March in the afternoon