Call for Participation – Position Papers
To address the topics of interoperability in data spaces and in particular (i) Use Cases in data spaces (ii) Requirements to interoperability and (iii) solution approaches to enable (semantic data) interoperability. While the web of data is an unconstrained space, data spaces are a more regulated vision for the web of data. Actors coming to a data space adhere to a certain concept of data sharing with rules and constraints. Hence the increased need to express options in interoperable ways.
All submissions must have a strong focus on real world applications beyond the prototypical status and demonstrate the power of interoperability in data spaces!Â
We ask for position papers in the listed and described topics, that can be presented at the workshop as 10 minute lightning talks. Described with (i) a title, (ii) a short description, (iii) the name, the role, and the affiliation of the authors as well as of the speaker(s) at the workshop. In total: 5 pages max. (A4, font size 11, in PDF format).
The following topics of discussion are expected:Â
- Use cases and their requirements on semantic interoperability
- Existing solutions for interoperability such as
- Vocabularies for data spaces
- Tools for vocabularies and ontologies
- Clearinghouse tools for vocabularies and ontologies
- Technically expressing constraints in a data space
- use limitations & policy
- legal constraints and rights modeling
- Smart contracts
- Data trading & payment solutions in data spaces
- purpose modeling
- value calculation
- Secure Data Sharing
- SecurityÂ
- UX in Data Spaces
- Certification
- Data quality standards
- Industrial standards
- Data protection constraints
The Position Papers will be published on the Workshop’s website. If the number of Position Papers exceeds the availability of slots for presentation, a programme committee will select the papers that will be presented.Â
- Submission opens – March 14, 2022
- Submission closes –
April 24, 2022 (17.00 pm, Vienna time)extended to 1 Mai - Notification of Acceptance – May 06, 2022 (17.00 pm, Vienna time)
- Presentation Ready – May 27, 2022 (17.00 pm, Vienna time)
Programme Committee
Sebastian Steinbuss, CTO of International Data Space Association (IDSA)
- Vladimir Alexiev, Chief Data Architect at Ontotext AD
- Phil Archer, GS1, Director Web Solutions
- Sören Auer, Director TIB; Professor for Data Science & Digital Libraries at Leibniz University of Hannover
- Victor de Boer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), Assistant Professor at the User-Centric Data Science group at the Computer Science department
- David Bowden, Principal Research Scientist at EMC
- Silvia Castellvi, IDSA, Stakeholders Engagement Senior Consultant
- Pierre-Antoine Champin, W3C, Research Project Manager
- Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Professor at Ontology Engineering Group
- Edward Curry, Professor Data Science, NUI Galway | Director, Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics | Director, Data Science Institute | VP, Big Data Value Association (BDVA)
- Mark Dietrich, CTO GaiaX – EGI
- Anna Fensel, Associate Professor at Wageningen University & Research; Associate Professor at University of Innsbruck
- Erwin Folmer, Kadaster Netherlands, Lead Data Science Team | Universiteit Twente
- Ahmad Hemid, Fraunhofer FIT, Data Engineer and Assistant Researcher
- Fabien Gandon, Head Wimmics Lab (Inria, UCA, CNRS, I3S); Vice Head of Science Inria Sophia, W3C rep. Inria; DSTI professor; Director Qwant-Inria Lab
- Stefan Gindl, Research Studios Austria (RSA), Senior Data Scientist/Senior Researcher
- Martin Kaltenboeck, Semantic Web Company, Co-Founder & CFO
- Petr Knoth, Open University, Senior Research Fellow in Text and Data Mining; Founder & Head of CORE
- Christoph Lange-Bever, Fraunhofer FIT, Head of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence department
- Andreas Müller, Schaeffler AG, Expert Knowledge Engineering / Data Architect
- Axel Polleres, University of Economics Vienna, Head of Institute at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
- Felix Sasaki, Chief Expert for Knowledge Graph and Semantic Technology to the AI Unit at SAP
- Natalia Simon, IDSA, Project & Community Manager
- Ruben Verborgh, Professor of Decentralized Web technology, Ghent University
- Ray Walshe, Data Science Foundation International, Executive Director
- Rigo Wenning, ERCIM, Legal Counsel
- Josiane Xavier Parreira, Siemens AG, Senior Research Scientist