11th International Conference on the Internet of Things
8. November 2021 - 12. November 2021
The 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2021), which will take place in an online setting from Nov. 8 – Nov. 12 2021, is the premier forum to share and discuss cutting edge research in all areas of development for the Internet of Things.
IoT 2021 is seeking original, high-impact research papers on all topics related to the Internet of Things. Papers will be reviewed and selected based on technical novelty, integrity of the analysis, and practical relevance. The IoT 2021 Call for Papers has been published.
The Institute of Computer Science at the University of St.Gallen and the city of St.Gallen are looking forward to returning to in-person engagements with the IoT academic and industrial community in a new-normal style (thanks to the gradually reducing COVID-19 restrictions).
Call for Papers
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a central and exciting research area that organically brings together academia, industry, society, and even governmental agencies due to the innovative advancements that connected devices and connected systems can bring to society. As the IoT evolves and gets ever more established, its focus widens, from bringing devices to the Internet, to achieving seamless and autonomous interaction among heterogeneous devices, connecting and taking advantages of intelligent and interoperable things and services from both the physical and virtual world, to the unrefusable need for distributed ecosystems that, while keeping the human in the loop, are capable of providing secure interactions among cross-domain heterogeneous IoT services.
The International Conference on the Internet of Things is the premier gathering for visionary, groundbreaking research in the IoT field. It connects world-class researchers with leading industry experts to steer innovation in multiple IoT verticals (e.g., smart city, smart health, smart buildings, rural areas). Since its beginnings in the year 2008, the conference has been backed by strong support from leading academic institutions as well as industry. We are happy to announce its 11th iteration and associated workshops, which will take place from November 8-12 in St Gallen, Switzerland (and virtually).
Topics of interest, important dates and submission information
Register for the conference:
Register for IoT 2021 using the IoT website. Authors should note that each accepted paper that is published in the IoT 2021 Proceedings requires one full-paying non-student registration (either onsite or online). The further registration information will be published soon.
Important dates:
Early Bird Registration deadline: October 11, 2021
Late Registration deadline: November 7, 2021
On-site Registration: November 8-12, 2021