Role of Data Innovation Spaces and Data Driven Innovation Hubs in the European digital transformation
24. June 2020 @ 10:00 - 12:00
The concept “Data Innovation Space” (BDVA i-Spaces) was first introduced in BDVA SRIA 2014, as a mechanism to foster data driven innovation in Europe at national and regional level. I-Spaces were conceived as environments for experimentation and innovation, bringing together not only technical aspects around data, but also advanced services that allow companies to test and exploit their data driven solutions and business models before going to the market.
During the past years, other instruments and concepts have arisen in Europe (Data Platforms, Competence Centers, Digital Innovation Hubs, …), most of them sharing with Data Innovation Spaces many aspects about how to bring data driven innovation closer to industry, and more specifically to small actors (SMEs, start-ups, …).
At the same time, the BDVA i-Spaces have evolved, aligning to some extent with some of these initiatives, widening their scope and fostering collaboration to exploit potential synergies. The last step on this roadmap is the future European federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs, that will be created under the project EUHubs4Data (starting in September 2020) aimed at improving data driven innovation at regional level based on data sharing and federation of services at European scale.
During this workshop, we will discuss about the role that these Data Innovation Spaces (i-Spaces) will play in the new European landscape combining three different dimensions (DIHs and networks, European Common Data Spaces and Testing and Experimentation Facilities), and how EUHubs4Data project could act as a link between H2020 and the new Framework Programme in terms of data driven innovation.
- Anne-Marie Sassen (EC DG CNECT A.2. Technology & Systems for Digitising Industry, Project Officer)
- Kimmo Rossi (EC DG CNECT, G.1. Data Policy and innovation, Head of Research & Innovation)
- Cécile Huet (EC DG CNECT, A.1. Robotics & AI, Deputy Head of Unit)
- Reinhard Lafrenz (euRobotics, Secretary General, DIHNET & RODIN projects)
- Daniel Sáez (ITI Strategic Intelligence & Technology Transfer Director , BDVA BoD, EUHubs4Data project)
The workshop will consist of an initial statement from each of the speakers (5-10 min), followed by a discussion panel based on the three mentioned dimensions of Data Innovation Spaces.
- European Digital Innovation Hubs
- European Common Data Spaces
- Testing and Experimentation Facilities on AI