European Big Data Value Forum 2021
29. November 2021 - 3. December 2021
European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) 2021 will take place from the 29th of November to the 3rd of December. This year as a “hybrid” event. EBDVF 2021 is an associated event of Slovenian EU Presidency.
EBDVF 2021 theme is “Digital Transformation powered by Data and AI”. The programme is structured into five tracks discussing the topics of adoption of industrial and trustworthy AI, Data Spaces, Data-Driven business models, standardization, societal impacts and many others. Join the event to get the best insight to European Big Data and AI!
The physical part of the EBDVF 2021 will be hosted in Ljubljana. The local collaborators of EBDVF 2021 are DIH Slovenia, ICT Association of Slovenia (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Slovenia), Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) and the University of Ljubljana. The central day in the Slovenian capital will kick-start the event by inviting high-level political and industry keynotes to share their views on data and data-driven AI-related policy developments.
All the EBDVF 2021 sessions will be streamed online. The event will merge the online portions to the sessions held in Ljubljana, bringing both, live and physical venues, to the disposal of the event attendees, speakers and sponsors.
The registration to the EBDVF 2021 will be open soon. If you are interested in collaborating with or hosting a session in EBDVF 2021, please send a message at info@core.bdva.eu. For more information and updates, visit the official website of the European Big Data Value Forum.