Horizon Cloud Summit 2022
11. May 2022 - 12. May 2022
Co-located with Cloud Expo Europe
Cloud technologies have become the key enablers in the digital transformation of the European Economic Area. Currently, cloud solutions are heavily employed in sectors such as Education, Finance, Healthcare, and much more. With the implementation of complex additions to the cloud environment such as AI governance, accountability and oversight must be introduced to counter discrepancies in all stages of cloud implementation. European Cloud Community needs to come together and work on policies and regulations that would ensure consistent and sustainable growth across industries. The push towards creating legislative and operational actions will enable growth rather than an impediment to innovation Europe can secure its digital sovereignty.
This year the third edition of Horizon Cloud Summit 2022, organised by HUB4CLOUD, aims at gathering a diverse community of researchers, policymakers, Cloud innovators, and broadly understood technological initiatives, to continue building the EU’s competitive position in the market.
The main objectives are to:
- Explore the latest evolution of Cloud Computing in Europe, giving spaces to cutting-edge research outcomes, innovative open solutions, and emerging use cases.
- Discuss latest developments in the EU policy landscape, influencing the Cloud market, and how the Cloud stakeholders plan to support Digital Decade ambition and ensuring European Digital sovereignty.
- Explore the research to market conversion of European Cloud computing initiatives and learning about the exploitation modalities.
- Explore the cloud-edge-IoT convergence and discussing the challenges and the way ahead.
- Increase collaboration among Cloud stakeholders and foster the creation of synergies across the European Cloud Computing ecosystem, that will ensure its growth.