MyData 2022
21. June 2022 - 22. June 2022
Catalysing Fair Data Solutions
MyData 2022 brings together stakeholders representing Business, Legal, Tech and Social perspectives, because they are all equally important for accelerating the human-centric policies and approaches to personal data.
In an era marked by the extensive use of personal data, the need for giving end users more transparency and control over their data trails is evident. The mindset and the enabling building blocks are here to steer towards a fair data economy. MyData 2022 is an opportunity for businesses, public sector and the civil society to meet and work on emerging trends and best practices. Together we catalyse change for a more fair and prosperous digital society with humans at the centre, showing that ethical can be profitable.
Why participate?
Learn from the best experts in the world
Strengthen engagement with the MyData community
Debate with policymakers
Demonstrate your thought leadership in practice
Foster business and product development partnerships
Show that you are a future-oriented & ethical organisation