TRUSTS & Safe-DEED Webinar: Business Aspects of Data Markets
10. May 2021 @ 11:00 - 12:00
Data-driven solutions will radically transform today’s business models in the near future. With our three business-oriented use cases, we will test how we can adapt to current and future challenges.
Find out which impressions we have already gathered and join our webinar on 10 May (11am-12pm, CEST).
Ioannis Markopoulos, (Forthnet, TRUSTS & Safe-DEED) and Gianna Avgousti (EBOS & TRUSTS) will talk about the future of business with data markets, about their transformative potentials and how they could benefit businesses. Besides, they will present solutions from the TRUSTS business use cases.
There will be an open Q&A session afterwards.
Be part of the knowledge exchange!
When? 10 May (11am-12pm, CET)
Where? Online (Registration via GoTo Webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8229122568942961679)
Safe Data-Enabled Economic Development brings together partners from cryptography, data science, business innovation, and legal domain to focus on improving security technologies, improving trust as well as on the diffusion of privacy enhancing technologies. Furthermore, as many companies have no data valuation process in place.
Safe-DEED provides a set of tools to facilitate the assessment of data value, thus incentivising data owners to make use of the scalable cryptographic protocols developed in Safe-DEED to create value for their companies and their clients.