Views on IDS: ‘TRUSTS in the financial industry – enabling data sovereignty beyond existing solutions’
12. November 2020 @ 11:00 - 12:00
What does a data marketplace need to make participants feel safe when sharing personal and proprietary data? In one word: trust.
Experts from the TRUSTS project will present their efforts to set up a GDPR-compliant European Data Marketplace based on privacy, confidentiality and data sovereignty.
Alexandra Garatzogianni (L3S Research Center at Leibniz University Hannover), the coordinator of the project along with Gianna Avgousti (eBOS), Christos Roupas (Relational) and Benjamin Heitmann (Fraunhofer FIT) will introduce the goals of TRUSTS. The project aims to create a data sharing platform for personal and industrial use by interconnecting different user groups and providing generic functionalities for innovative applications and services.
The discussion will focus on how anti-money laundering works in TRUSTS and how the use of the IDS architecture will enable data sovereignty and data protection mechanisms. Finally, the panelists will approach the question of how the industry can take advantage of the project results.
The topics in a nutshell:
– TRUSTS use cases and the expertise within the project
– Anti-money laundering
– which mechanisms does TRUSTS apply, how does it work in the eBos environment
– Privacy, confidentiality, data sovereignty
– data protection aspects that are particularly important for the use cases
– Standardization – how data protection and data sovereignty mechanisms in TRUSTS are enabled through their anchoring in the IDS architecture
– View on business exploitation and sustainability