WSIS Forum 2022
onlineWorld Summit on the Information Society Forum 2022 ICTs for Well-Being, Inclusion and Resilience: WSIS Cooperation for Accelerating Progress on the SDGs The WSIS Forum is the world’s largest annual gathering of the “ICT for development” community, hosted by the ITU and co-organized by International Telecommunication Union, UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNDP with the engagement of more [...]
LAILEC Conference
Leuven , BelgiumLife-cycle regulation of Data and AI, Tackling dynamicity and responsibility in complex ecosystems In this year’s edition of the LAILEC Conference, co-located with the EUH4D Data Forum and the SAS Project Event, we focus on Data and AI, together critical enablers for our society to solve complex problems and for our European data economy to thrive. [...]
Data Forum 2022
Leuven , BelgiumWhat does the European legislation need to foster data-driven cross-border experimentation and effective data sharing? Data Forum 2022 examines the creation of a federation of Data-Driven Innovation Hubs from the law and ethics perspective. It outlines the current and upcoming regulatory landscape and its impact on cross-border data-driven innovation and experimentation. The half-day event brings [...]
European Conference on Information Retrieval
Stavanger , NorwayAbout the Conference The European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) is the premier European forum for the presentation of new research results in the broadly conceived area of Information Retrieval. ECIR features full-paper and poster presentations, system demonstrations, tutorials, workshops, an industry-oriented event, and traditionally has a strong focus on the active participation of early-career [...]
IoT Solutions World Congress 2022
Barcelona , SpainGlobal meeting place for business and tech executives... ...looking to leverage technology to achieve innovative, disruptive, game-changing outcomes The future of industry is ours to build. Emerging technologies are disrupting industry and technological innovation is rapidly changing our world. Traditional industry lines have blurred, with cross-sector ecosystems even more critical for success in today’s digitally transformed, disrupted world. [...]
Horizon Cloud Summit 2022
Frankfurt , GermanyCo-located with Cloud Expo Europe Cloud technologies have become the key enablers in the digital transformation of the European Economic Area. Currently, cloud solutions are heavily employed in sectors such as Education, Finance, Healthcare, and much more. With the implementation of complex additions to the cloud environment such as AI governance, accountability and oversight must [...]
TRUSTS I Workshop: Data Spaces & Semantic Interoperability
University of Economics Vienna Welthandelsplatz 1, Vienna, AustriaRequirements, standards, certification, tools, licenses and more… Register Now This one-day workshop brings together researchers, decision makers and practitioners in the field of the development and operation of European data spaces, data markets and other web-based data management systems that allow data sharing, trading and data collaboration. The output document will summarise all the [...]
Global IoT Summit (GIOTS)
Dublin , IrelandThe Global IoT Summit (GIOTS) is an international conference established to attract and present cutting-edge research results on the Internet of Things. The 5th edition of the GIoTS conference will be co-located with IoT Week 2022 in Dublin from 20 to 23 June, 2022. The conference welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to share [...]
MyData 2022
Helsinki , FinlandCatalysing Fair Data Solutions MyData 2022 brings together stakeholders representing Business, Legal, Tech and Social perspectives, because they are all equally important for accelerating the human-centric policies and approaches to personal data. In an era marked by the extensive use of personal data, the need for giving end users more transparency and control over their [...]
IDSA Q&A Session | Your essential guide to data spaces
onlineIDSA and its members have developed the key fundamentals for successfully running a data space, and within the membership companies have created amazing use case scenarios of what a data space can look like. In the Q&A Session, they will take you on the journey from becoming an IDSA member to successfully running a data [...]
SEMANTiCS Conference 2022
Vienna & Online Handelskai 269, ViennaSEMANTiCS (September 12-15, 2022) is an established knowledge hub where technology professionals, industry experts, researchers and decision makers can learn about new technologies, innovations and enterprise implementations in the fields of Linked Data and Semantic AI. Since 2005, the conference series has focused on semantic technologies, which are today together with other methodologies such as […]
SemAI 2022: First Workshop on Semantic AI
Vienna , AustriaSeptember 13-15, 2022, Vienna, Austria. Co-located with SEMANTiCS Conference 2022 AI approaches based on machine learning have become increasingly popular across all sectors. However, experience shows that AI initiatives often fail due to the lack of appropriate data or low data quality. Furthermore, state-of-the-art AI models are widely opaque and suffer from a lack of [...]