Latest Past Events

SemAI 2022: First Workshop on Semantic AI


September 13-15, 2022, Vienna, Austria. Co-located with SEMANTiCS Conference 2022 AI approaches based on machine learning have become increasingly popular across all sectors. However, experience shows that AI initiatives often fail due to the lack of appropriate data or low data quality. Furthermore, state-of-the-art AI models are widely opaque and suffer from a lack of [...]

SEMANTiCS Conference 2022

Vienna & Online Handelskai 269, Vienna

SEMANTiCS (September 12-15, 2022) is an established knowledge hub where technology professionals, industry experts, researchers and decision makers can learn about new technologies, innovations and enterprise implementations in the fields of Linked Data and Semantic AI. Since 2005, the conference series has focused on semantic technologies, which are today together with other methodologies such as [...]

IDSA Q&A Session | Your essential guide to data spaces


IDSA and its members have developed the key fundamentals for successfully running a data space, and within the membership companies have created amazing use case scenarios of what a data space can look like. In the Q&A Session, they will take you on the journey from becoming an IDSA member to successfully running a data [...]